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Laura has been integral in helping me identify actions within my control to better control my symptoms. She actively listens to what I have to say and is always great at providing actionable recommendations with consideration for my lifestyle. Having someone who understands what I am going through and can provide a shoulder to lean on and ideas for moving forward has been much more impactful than I initially imagined. Thanks, Laura!!



Katie W, Denver, CO

Jaz P, Brighton, England

I started working with Laura because I was stuck in my healing after over a decade of dealing with multiple chronic illnesses. I initially reached out to Laura for support with DNRS, a self-led program designed to help rewire the limbic system. I ended up working with Laura for almost two years because as I made each leap in progress beyond DNRS, she continued to support and guide me along the way. Some of the things Laura helped me achieve include dramatically expanding my limited diet, releasing fear of going into water-damaged buildings, traveling - including staying in Airbnb’s with all kinds of weird scents and sometimes with water damage, going to my childhood home for the first time in over 5 years, developing a regular meditation practice that I love, and starting to explore and discover aspects of my identity outside of “sick person”. Laura’s style was such a perfect fit for me because she always met me exactly where I was and helped to push and guide me towards my next goal, without overwhelming me. She had an incredible ability to intuit what I needed and see things that I was feeling that I didn’t even recognize in myself until she helped guide me to the realization. And she never told me those things until I’d seen them myself, which allowed me to understand and appreciate myself and these growth steps so much more. It’s hard to describe just how much growth Laura helped me through. I unequivocally recommend working with her

Anna B, California 


Mi nombre es Sasha Mangarre-Rodriguez y he estado trabajando con Laura Furey durante varios meses. He tenido una condición grave y he visto demasiados especialistas. Entonces supe de Laura. Ha habido muy pocos especialistas que me hayan podido ayudar en mi viaje de sanacion. Cabe destacar que mi caso es muy difícil y muchas veces me negaron ayuda debido a la gravedad de mi condición. Laura está totalmente equipada para ayudarme en los momentos más oscuros y difíciles de mi vida. Su propio sendereo lleno de enfermedades crónicas es lo que hace que su proceso de entrenamiento sea especial y único comparado con otros. Laura tiene un hermoso equilibrio al mantener a sus clientes seguros con compasión y comprensión mientras que desafía sus creencias limitantes. Su apoyo semanal me ha ayudado a dar un salto cuántico en mi sanación. Estoy extremadamente agradecida de poder escribir este testimonio y alabar su enfoque maravilloso y único. Le Recomiendo a cualquiera que trabaje con Laura. Ella es un regalo y una joya para mí y para todos los que entrena.

Sasha MR 26 años

Laura’s group coaching is helpful in understanding the psychological and behavioural patterns that people with chronic illness have and it’s good to know that I am not alone in these patterns.  She also gives us strategies to develop awareness of these patterns and how to move away from them. Group coaching also allows opportunities to learn from not just Laura but from observing her coaching of others in the group as well.


Monique S, Canada 

Laura has been instrumental in coming up with a self-care routine and specific  strategies to help me cope with my chronic health condition. She is a great listener,  is patient, and has a pleasant personality. Her sessions have been more comfortable  and helpful than any other therapy sessions I have had before. I feel like my old self  and no longer dictated by my chronic condition. Thank you so much for your  support and guidance, Laura! 

S. D., Groton, CT

Laura is a positive, kind and caring person with a unique ability to support and guide you through life's challenging moments. 
From strategies for effective communication to nutrition tips and sharing of great tasting healthy reciipies, Laura has generously shared her expertise with me.



            Nancy A, Madison, CT

“Laura is an amazing, inspiring coach. Because she too had ME/CFS, she has excellent advice to offer for me. She knows what is likely to work, ranging from brain retraining to supplements and medication, visualizations, exercise and much more. She is very generous with her support, and prompt to reply to e-mails with helpful advice. Instead of one long phone call, she broke each of our sessions into two calls because of my low energy level. She has been more helpful than anything else I have tried as I try to recover from ME/CFS.”

Laura provides an extremely comfortable and safe environment. Which, to me is one of the best attributes Laura has to offer..comfort. Struggling with illness, no matter what it may be, is hard on the mind and the body. She is a believer the two go together (as am I) and really gives obtainable goals to reach an equilibrium between the two.
I feel grateful to have her guidance. 


Emma W, Guilford, CT

  Laura’s expertise in understanding my own needs was so apparent from our first session.  I came to Laura in a pretty bad flare up of chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms. I had explored every possible route out there, and had reached a point where I knew that I needed help and I could no longer do it on my own. Laura immediately knew that my chronic fatigue symptoms and all other symptoms in my body were stemming from a much larger cause which was my nervous system being out of balance from years of stress. 

  Laura helped me to get on board with a very powerful neural re-wiring program which has been life changing for me, and has stood by me the entire process helping me each step of the way by tailoring her own program to my own needs She did an incredible job of helping me to explore my underlying limiting beliefs and get to the root of the really sticky ones which has been one of the main focal points of my own healing process. There were times where I had many questions and Laura was always there to answer my questions and most of all, make me feel calm and at ease which is something I needed SO badly.

 She understands specifically where the client is at and does not try to create a ‘one size fits all’ program, because she knows from her own experience, that tailoring the program to the individual is vital for effective healing. After a number of years of on and off obsessively rigid eating, Laura has helped me to eat healthy in a happy go lucky way where I no longer have to stress about diet. This kept me motivated and inspired to have something positive to shoot for. She patiently and lovingly worked at my own pace. However, I think the most effective part of Laura’s innate ability as a healer is that she is SO organized and passionate about what she does. She puts in such an incredible amount of time and effort to implement a program that works.

  Immediately after my first session with her, I felt a sense of calm, in knowing that I was on the right path of treatment due to my own comfort level in working with her and most of all, my trusting of her.  I knew she was the right person for me to work with as a coach and healer. And because of that trust, I was able to sit back and let go. Laura is an encyclopedia of information when it comes to healing, but it’s her own experiences which shaped her ability to apply this to another person’s need which makes her an incredibly powerful healer. She has inspired me to want to pursue the healing path myself. I literally cannot even see myself working with any one other than Laura as a coach. I cannot recommend her enough.


Derek M, Queens, NY

"Laura has a way of putting you at ease and with just a few words can shift your entire outlook. On many occasions Laura helped me believe in myself and 'keep going' on the road to recovery. I've seen that self belief and determination pay off in her own recovery, and she is a great example of what is possible - with the right support. She has very unique insight and is extremely  perceptive. "


Chloe E, Sheffield, England

Laura has helped me during some of my most

challenging life trials. With time and Laura's coaching, I've learned to live in a different way that has kept my eyes open and my heart full. The alternative forms of living Laura is an expert in has helped transition my life into one I love so much more. Thank you for your support and guidance during a hiccup life threw at me. I stand taller and know now I can take any challenge life throws at me by staying present and maintaining a balanced diet and the power of meditation.


                                               MB, NYC

"Laura is knowledgeable and thorough. If you need a nutrition coach that can help you achieve results Laura is the coach for you. She guides instead of forces, makes small "digestible" changes to your nutritional habits, and encourages when you need it most. She is thorough and knowledgeable, supportive and caring. If you're looking to succeed in making lasting healthy changes to your eating habits then Laura will help you get there."

Jeff, Madison, CT
Marjory B, California

I used to get so mad during what Laura calls "dips," I am so used to being busy, and I didn't even realize how badly my anger was slowing my progress down until I started following her videos and how to handle setbacks. It has been one of the most helpful tools I've found anywhere, I know because she's been in those shoes herself which is hard to find in health care support.

Megan J, South Carolina

I came to Laura in a physical and mental health crisis. I was bedbound with ME/CFS and had basically no energy to speak, wash or look after myself. I had been experiencing weekly rock bottoms for a year, but had had ME for 5 years, and felt completely hopeless. 


After my first session with Laura, I instantly felt reassured and trusted her. Laura has guided me in every area of my well being- physically, mentally and spiritually. What is unique about Laura, is that she is profoundly knowledgable in all aspects of healing, tailors the work to your own experience and pace, and has been through it all herself. She is deeply compassionate and empathetic but doesn’t hold you back from the uncomfortable changes that need to take place in any healing journey. 


The feelings I have from working with Laura are so much more powerful than anything I could write.  Since working together, I am no longer bedbound and I have so much more quality of life! I am becoming more independent and putting small pieces of a life back together . I also have hope for the future because I know with her support I can get to places I was dreaming of when I was in that dark place. Working with Laura has been the greatest gift and best thing I’ve done for my recovery journey.


Phoebe T. , England

I came to Laura for health coaching while suffering from moderate-severe MECFS, Long COVID, Adrenal Insufficiency, POTS, and more. At the beginning of our journey, I was predominantly couch-bound, in and out of the ER, and anxious about my ability to even tolerate our 50-minute video sessions. Today, roughly a year later, I am gearing up to start graduate school full-time in a new state! I have made incredible progress over the last year, and while yes - I did simultaneously pursue Western medicine treatments, I am *very confident* that I wouldn't be where I am today without her support (and the support of the community she has built). Some things that make her support uniquely valuable to me:


  • Intuition & Experience. She has a deep understanding of these illnesses from having LIVED them herself for over a decade. As a result, her knowledge and intuition have guided me through several crises. She knows the right tools to throw at any situation. She knows when a crisis is a "true medical crisis" that requires professional intervention. Similarly, she knows when a crisis can be managed at home using nervous system and brain retraining tools. This helped me feel a sense of safety and comfort in working with her. I knew I could come to her with any problem and she wouldn't lead me astray. 

    • She also has a unique ability to quickly "cut through the bullsh*t" and get to the root of an issue. And I'll be honest - this can be difficult to hear sometimes as the client (we all have egos after all). However, every time she pointed out something about my tendencies that I didn't want to hear, I eventually always came around and thought, "Damn it... she was right.." 


  • Flexibility & personalization. Initially, I approached my nervous system work quite rigidly, thinking I had to be diligent about my daily specific practices otherwise it wouldn't "work." The most important thing she taught me was to be flexible, compassionate, and understanding with myself, and to let go of any expectations. I am now much more attuned to my body and its needs, knowing which tools and practices are appropriate during which times. This isn't a "one size fits all" process. The more attuned we are to our needs at any given time, the better we will respond and the better we will *feel* in the long run. 


  • Balance & stoicism. Nothing rattles her. She has seen it all before. I came to her with what I thought were extremely traumatic situations and she barely batted an eye, just immediately sprang into action. She is wholly unjudgemental and never discouraged me from pursuing any complimentary treatments (as long as they made sense). Many coaches in this space tend to stigmatize Western medicine - but not Laura. She understands (again, from personal experience) that many of us require a balanced, multi-faceted approach to healing and that one "route" alone may not cut it. 


While I still have a ways to go in my healing, I feel stronger, more stable, and happier than ever before (including when I was "healthy," aka before the onset of my illness). And I know that if I ever "wobble" again in the future, I will come running back to her. I even debated not writing this testimonial because I don't want her to book up if I ever need her again.

Eliana U., New York

I came to Laura for health coaching while suffering from moderate-severe MECFS, Long COVID, Adrenal Insufficiency, POTS, and more. At the beginning of our journey, I was predominantly couch-bound, in and out of the ER, and anxious about my ability to even tolerate our 50-minute video sessions. Today, roughly a year later, I am gearing up to start graduate school full-time in a new state! I have made incredible progress over the last year, and while yes - I did simultaneously pursue Western medicine treatments, I am *very confident* that I wouldn't be where I am today without her support (and the support of the community she has built). Some things that make her support uniquely valuable to me:


  • Intuition & Experience. She has a deep understanding of these illnesses from having LIVED them herself for over a decade. As a result, her knowledge and intuition have guided me through several crises. She knows the right tools to throw at any situation. She knows when a crisis is a "true medical crisis" that requires professional intervention. Similarly, she knows when a crisis can be managed at home using nervous system and brain retraining tools. This helped me feel a sense of safety and comfort in working with her. I knew I could come to her with any problem and she wouldn't lead me astray. 

    • She also has a unique ability to quickly "cut through the bullsh*t" and get to the root of an issue. And I'll be honest - this can be difficult to hear sometimes as the client (we all have egos after all). However, every time she pointed out something about my tendencies that I didn't want to hear, I eventually always came around and thought, "Damn it... she was right.." 


  • Flexibility & personalization. Initially, I approached my nervous system work quite rigidly, thinking I had to be diligent about my daily specific practices otherwise it wouldn't "work." The most important thing she taught me was to be flexible, compassionate, and understanding with myself, and to let go of any expectations. I am now much more attuned to my body and its needs, knowing which tools and practices are appropriate during which times. This isn't a "one size fits all" process. The more attuned we are to our needs at any given time, the better we will respond and the better we will *feel* in the long run. 


  • Balance & stoicism. Nothing rattles her. She has seen it all before. I came to her with what I thought were extremely traumatic situations and she barely batted an eye, just immediately sprang into action. She is wholly unjudgemental and never discouraged me from pursuing any complimentary treatments (as long as they made sense). Many coaches in this space tend to stigmatize Western medicine - but not Laura. She understands (again, from personal experience) that many of us require a balanced, multi-faceted approach to healing and that one "route" alone may not cut it. 


While I still have a ways to go in my healing, I feel stronger, more stable, and happier than ever before (including when I was "healthy," aka before the onset of my illness). And I know that if I ever "wobble" again in the future, I will come running back to her. I even debated not writing this testimonial because I don't want her to book up if I ever need her again.


Eliana U., New York

I came to Laura in a physical and mental health crisis. I was bed bound with ME/CFS and had basically no energy to speak, wash or look after myself. I had been experiencing weekly rock bottoms for a year, but had had ME for 5 years, and felt completely hopeless. 


After my first session with Laura, I instantly felt reassured and trusted her. Laura has guided me in every area of my well being- physically, mentally and spiritually. What is unique about Laura, is that she is profoundly knowledgable in all aspects of healing, tailors the work to your own experience and pace, and has been through it all herself. She is deeply compassionate and empathetic but doesn’t hold you back from the uncomfortable changes that need to take place in any healing journey. 


The feelings I have from working with Laura are so much more powerful than anything I could write.  Since working together, I am no longer bedbound and I have so much more quality of life! I am becoming more independent and putting small pieces of a life back together . I also have hope for the future because I know with her support I can get to places I was dreaming of when I was in that dark place. Working with Laura has been the greatest gift and best thing I’ve done for my recovery journey.


Phoebe T. , England

Laura has been integral in helping me identify actions within my control to better control my symptoms. She actively listens to what I have to say and is always great at providing actionable recommendations with consideration for my lifestyle. Having someone who understands what I am going through and can provide a shoulder to lean on and ideas for moving forward has been much more impactful than I initially imagined. Thanks, Laura!!


Katie W. Denver,CO

I started working with Laura because I was stuck in my healing after over a decade of dealing with multiple chronic illnesses. I initially reached out to Laura for support with DNRS, a self-led program designed to help rewire the limbic system. I ended up working with Laura for almost two years because as I made each leap in progress beyond DNRS, she continued to support and guide me along the way. Some of the things Laura helped me achieve include dramatically expanding my limited diet, releasing fear of going into water-damaged buildings, traveling - including staying in Airbnb’s with all kinds of weird scents and sometimes with water damage, going to my childhood home for the first time in over 5 years, developing a regular meditation practice that I love, and starting to explore and discover aspects of my identity outside of “sick person”. Laura’s style was such a perfect fit for me because she always met me exactly where I was and helped to push and guide me towards my next goal, without overwhelming me. She had an incredible ability to intuit what I needed and see things that I was feeling that I didn’t even recognize in myself until she helped guide me to the realization. And she never told me those things until I’d seen them myself, which allowed me to understand and appreciate myself and these growth steps so much more. It’s hard to describe just how much growth Laura helped me through. I unequivocally recommend working with her


Anna B. , California

“Laura is an amazing, inspiring coach. Because she too had ME/CFS, she has excellent advice to offer for me. She knows what is likely to work, ranging from brain retraining to supplements and medication, visualizations, exercise and much more. She is very generous with her support, and prompt to reply to e-mails with helpful advice. Instead of one long phone call, she broke each of our sessions into two calls because of my low energy level. She has been more helpful than anything else I have tried as I try to recover from ME/CFS.”​


Marjory B., California

"Laura has a way of putting you at ease and with just a few words can shift your entire outlook. On many occasions Laura helped me believe in myself and 'keep going' on the road to recovery. I've seen that self belief and determination pay off in her own recovery, and she is a great example of what is possible - with the right support. She has very unique insight and is extremely  perceptive."


Chloe E., Sheffield, England

Laura provides an extremely comfortable and safe environment. Which, to me is one of the best attributes Laura has to offer..comfort. Struggling with illness, no matter what it may be, is hard on the mind and the body. She is a believer the two go together (as am I) and really gives obtainable goals to reach an equilibrium between the two.I feel grateful to have her guidance. ​


Emma W., Guildford, CT

Laura has helped me during some of my most challenging life trials. With time and Laura's coaching, I've learned to live in a different way that has kept my eyes open and my heart full. The alternative forms of living Laura is an expert in has helped transition my life into one I love so much more. Thank you for your support and guidance during a hiccup life threw at me. I stand taller and know now I can take any challenge life throws at me by staying present and maintaining a balanced diet and the power of meditation.


MB, New York

Laura has been instrumental in coming up with a self-care routine and specific  strategies to help me cope with my chronic health condition. She is a great listener,  is patient, and has a pleasant personality. Her sessions have been more comfortable  and helpful than any other therapy sessions I have had before. I feel like my old self  and no longer dictated by my chronic condition. Thank you so much for your  support and guidance, Laura! 


S.D., Groton, CT

Laura’s group coaching is helpful in understanding the psychological and behavioural patterns that people with chronic illness have and it’s good to know that I am not alone in these patterns.  She also gives us strategies to develop awareness of these patterns and how to move away from them. Group coaching also allows opportunities to learn from not just Laura but from observing her coaching of others in the group as well.​


Monique S., Canada

"Laura is knowledgeable and thorough. If you need a nutrition coach that can help you achieve results Laura is the coach for you. She guides instead of forces, makes small "digestible" changes to your nutritional habits, and encourages when you need it most. She is thorough and knowledgeable, supportive and caring. If you're looking to succeed in making lasting healthy changes to your eating habits then Laura will help you get there."​


Jeff, Madison, CT

Laura is a positive, kind and caring person with a unique ability to support and guide you through life's challenging moments. From strategies for effective communication to nutrition tips and sharing of great tasting healthy recipes, Laura has generously shared her expertise with me.​


Nancy A., Madison, CT

I used to get so mad during what Laura calls "dips," I am so used to being busy, and I didn't even realize how badly my anger was slowing my progress down until I started following her videos and how to handle setbacks. It has been one of the most helpful tools I've found anywhere, I know because she's been in those shoes herself which is hard to find in health care support.


Megan J., South Carolina

Laura’s expertise in understanding my own needs was so apparent from our first session.  I came to Laura in a pretty bad flare up of chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms. I had explored every possible route out there, and had reached a point where I knew that I needed help and I could no longer do it on my own. Laura immediately knew that my chronic fatigue symptoms and all other symptoms in my body were stemming from a much larger cause which was my nervous system being out of balance from years of stress. 

Laura helped me to get on board with a very powerful neural re-wiring program which has been life changing for me, and has stood by me the entire process helping me each step of the way by tailoring her own program to my own needs She did an incredible job of helping me to explore my underlying limiting beliefs and get to the root of the really sticky ones which has been one of the main focal points of my own healing process. There were times where I had many questions and Laura was always there to answer my questions and most of all, make me feel calm and at ease which is something I needed SO badly.


She understands specifically where the client is at and does not try to create a ‘one size fits all’ program, because she knows from her own experience, that tailoring the program to the individual is vital for effective healing. After a number of years of on and off obsessively rigid eating, Laura has helped me to eat healthy in a happy go lucky way where I no longer have to stress about diet. This kept me motivated and inspired to have something positive to shoot for. She patiently and lovingly worked at my own pace. However, I think the most effective part of Laura’s innate ability as a healer is that she is SO organized and passionate about what she does. She puts in such an incredible amount of time and effort to implement a program that works.

Immediately after my first session with her, I felt a sense of calm, in knowing that I was on the right path of treatment due to my own comfort level in working with her and most of all, my trusting of her.  I knew she was the right person for me to work with as a coach and healer. And because of that trust, I was able to sit back and let go. Laura is an encyclopedia of information when it comes to healing, but it’s her own experiences which shaped her ability to apply this to another person’s need which makes her an incredibly powerful healer. She has inspired me to want to pursue the healing path myself. I literally cannot even see myself working with any one other than Laura as a coach. I cannot recommend her enough.


Derek M., Queen, New York

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